Registration and payment

The registration fee for participants is DKK 750  (about 100 Euro). This covers lunch at DTU and coffee/tea at the breaks each of the days, and it also covers the social programme.
For accompanying persons the registration fee is DKK 600.  This covers the two events in the social programme.

The deadline for registration and payment is 1 June 2014. The restaurants require final numbers of participants long in advance, and many people are hard to reach in Denmark during the summer holiday month of July.

Only registered participants will be included in the list of participants. And tickets will be needed to participate in the meals.

(You will be transfered to a new site, please click "Buy", proceed to checkout, accept conditions, fill in the registration form and the customer form)

If you have problems in this mode of payment, please contact Gerda Helene Fogt
5 MARCH 2025